Thank you for a great 2018!

Did you know that this year CARE celebrated its 15th year in operation? Over those 15 years, CARE has provided a home to over 100 animals. These animals have come from so many different places, some good, some bad. Regardless of where they came from, they found safety, good food, lots of toys and room to play, veterinary care when needed, and endless love here. And that, in a nutshell, is what we are all about. Every day. Every year.

Our mission is to give a home to animals that need one. Provide them with all that they need to be happy and healthy. And share them with you, so you love them too. And you do. We know you do, because you help us create that safe, healthy, and happy environment that they live in. You make sure they are fed and get medicine and care. When we need something, you send it. When we ask for funding, you give. Year after year you are there for these animals and that is an amazing, special, beautiful thing that you do. And this year was no different. Just look at what we did together!

In the past 12 months, CARE welcomed 9 animals home:

  • Apollo and Lakai found a retirement home at CARE after life at the Dallas Zoo
  • Ezra found a soft spot to land after being confiscated in south Texas
  • Malika, Kiara, Princess, Wren, and Munchie have a safe place to live out the rest of their lives after their home closed down
  • Godzilla’s former owner wanted a bigger space for him to roam, and he got one here at CARE

Your support made that possible for them. And we did even more…

We rebuilt our oldest enclosure in order to provide Mika and Zara with a safe and fun habitat. We also started installing pools in all tiger enclosures through our Cool Cats Campaign, making summer a lot more bearable.

We also participated in a clinical trial of a life-changing supplement for our geriatric cats – Antinol. The supplements were costly in the beginning, but worth it to see such a huge change in the mobility of our arthritic animals.

Your donations made that happen.

There is also all of the supplies, toys, food, and other necessary items that you all have sent to us every time we mention a need.

Your generosity is such a gift.

You helped share CARE and our mission, gaining us even more support and allowing us to share the wonderful animals of CARE, and educate many others. You have made it possible for us to achieve all that we have this year, and we thank you – from the bottom of our hearts – for that.

Our job is never done though. There are always more ways to improve the lives of our animals and to provide a much needed home to others. And, we will always need you to help us with that.

So, during these final days of the year, we ask you for your generosity and support once more as you plan your end of year giving. We always say it, and it is true, every amount helps. We know we can count on our friends, our supporters, our pride! Please click on the DONATE button below to send your loving gift to CARE.

Thank you for such an amazing year, and we hope that each and every one of you has a happy and healthy 2019!

With love,

The CARE Family