Zara the tiger cub

Meet Zara

On August 16th, 2017 CARE staff headed out to take a trip several states away to pick up a special package. Early in the morning on the 17th, they arrived at CARE with a little bundle of stripes and snuffles - a 3-4 month old female tiger.

An individual had contacted us weeks before asking if we could take in, and permanently care for, this young tiger with an uncertain future. She is a bit small for her age, but is in mostly good condition and is both sweet and spunky - per usual tiger fashion. We held a little contest that involved both CARE staff & volunteers and CARE supporters to find this little girl a new name and we ended up with Zara - a name just as pretty as her sweet face.

Right now Zara is still getting a bottle and getting a little extra love and attention after being moved around quite a bit. But, she seems happy and content in her new home and we know she will be safe and secure as she grows up. We look forward to sharing how she grows up with all of you. In the meantime, please join us in welcoming our newest addition to the family!

**In response to several requests to reveal where Zara came from, we have this message to our supporters:

We believe very strongly in being true to our mission - which is to provide a home to animals that need one and give them the best care for the rest of their lives. The definition of rescue is to save something from harm and the definition of a sanctuary is to offer a place of safety. That is our primary purpose for existing. We do not always share all details of a rescue for several reasons, many times out of respect for people who try and assist the animals that we take in.

This little girl desperately needed a home. Not all animals that need a home are old, and the youngest ones are some of those that are at the most risk for being sold as pets or playthings to people who will use them for their own gain and discard them once again when they get tired of them. Who knows where this little girl would have wound up had we not agreed to take her.

Also, we do not always get the full story when we are approached to take in animals. We have been told all sorts of things over the years about an animal's origins, and we know that some of those stories were not true. It is not uncommon that people will lie because they do not want to get into trouble or fear judgement. Our job is not to investigate or regulate, it is to rescue. While we have a policy of never naming names of the people that surrender animals to us, and even sometimes are unable to do so because of ongoing legal investigations, we can say with certainty that this little girl is safe and will have a future where she will never be exploited, used, or abused - and never thrown away.