July 7, 2006 - October 21, 2023


Nala was with us for such a short time, yet became a part of our hearts nonetheless.

For a few months, Nala was adjusting to her new home quite well. She loved her soft beds, and watching TV (especially Antique Roadshow). While we knew she was struggling with arthritis, everything else seemed pretty good for an elderly girl. But, we started getting concerned about her when she suddenly seemed to decline rapidly. She didn't want to eat and was moving less and less. We scheduled our vet to come see her, but she passed on her own with CAREtakers by her side.

Post-mortem showed organ failure due to old age (and one completely undeveloped kidney). We were just really getting to know Nala, but we gave her as much comfort as we could in her time with us. Besides her beds, TV, and food, we recently had just discovered her love of chin scratches with the back scratcher. We hope she felt how much she was cared for, and that she has gone on to a peaceful rest. We are so sorry we had such a short time with you sweet girl!

Nala's Bio

Nala came to us as an older lady - already 17 years old. A city-run nature center here in Texas contacted us about Nala. The center needed to rehome many of its animals and asked if we would be willing to care for this little lady. Nala was born in the wild, but raised as a pet. She was given to the nature center along with her brother, Simba, and both spent most of her life there until Simba passed away a few years before.

Nala, being an older girl, doesn't get around very well. We started her on Antinol and other supplements to deal with her sore joints. She's moved into the vet center opposite Goliath and is settling in nicely. We know it must be hard for such an old girl to be in a new place, but we are committed to giving her the best of everything for as long as she is with us. She is VERY pretty and loves her food! Welcome to your forever home sweet girl!!